An Anenome is Born!!!



130 watts, hmmm, I don't normally recommend it but I will try to remember that it does work for you.
I wish you long term sucess with the Rose.
P.S. moving the thread over to clownfish and anemones


great post. i was also wanting one of these anemones. ihave a 29 gal and just cant afford to go mh. i was looking at those exact lights. this post actually give me some hope of keeping this type anemone. thanks.
I give it a little squirt from a turkey baster with brine, mysis, or marine angel about every other day. Not too much (about a quarter of a frozen cube), but if I don't feed it often, it will move around the tank looking for food and killing everything in its path. This guy can cross the tank in a few hours if it wanted to. It seems to like where it's at right now---at the top of the tank with good flow.
I really like these lights. Sure, they're not metal halides, but for the stuff I have in my tank (mostly ricordeas, leathers, and button polyps), it works great.
in our 150 we started with 1 RBTA under duel 400w MH and a 175w MH, it split after only about 3 weeks, then we wanted to test how well it would do in our 29g under duel 96w PCs. we put the new one in there after it healed up and it has grown huge, hasnt split yet, but gets bigger by the day. about 2 weeks after we put that one in the 29g, the one in the 150 split again. they all get feed on the same day, and get the same food. all of them have clown hosts (the 150 has a maroon clown that hosts them both). and so far i would have to say the 29g one is looking better size and color wise. they all look in very good health. point being it seems that they will do fine and be very healthy under both lights with good water and feedings.
Powdertoastman, do you have a pic of yours in the 29 gallon? Does the RTBA have its bubbles? It's good to hear that someone else is having success with a RTBA in a smaller tank and without halides. Good food, good water, good times!!!
sorry i dont have a pic of it right now, and no it does have its bubble tips anymore. for some reason when we first got our first one, it had them at the store and at home for about 2 or 3 weeks, then after it split they just went away, not sure why.
Looks real good, Powdertoastman! Just out of curiosity: what do you feed it, and how often? I tried a silverside and a raw shrimp once, and it pulled it in then spit it out. It'll only take frozen food. But last week I added about ten hermits to the tank and when I dropped the first one in, the clown swooped in, grabbed it mid-drop, and fed it to the anenome!!! Poor guy didn't have a chance.


Active Member
wow thats cool im just getting started on mine its turning out pretty nice though

mr. tuna

Active Member
Does it just splitt with out notice?
Would it show signs the day before.. or does it just split?
thanks sim
we go to wal mart and get a package of chopped up seafood with shrim, squid, crab, and mussles. we just take a about a half inch piece and feed it to the anemone about once a week. it doesn't always take it, just try different things to see what it likes.
I've never seen any signs at day you have a happy anenome----the next you've got two blobs of goo. It's always happened at night, though. This was the first time it split three ways.
Powdertoastman, I've seen those bags of seafood you're talking you thaw it in the microwave or just let it thaw in some water or something? If it doesn't eat it, well, that's more for me!!!
mine have always split at night also.
with the food we just pull alittle of and drop it in some tank water in a cup till it is thawed again, and then feed the tank right before. also we have to feed our shrimp before hand, or they will steal the food.