An Easy and Cheap Way to Cure Ich (or ick) - My Adventure with 'Ich-Attack' by Kordon


I thought about tearing down my 14g tank, but then I thought I'd put little seahorses in there... how does that sound? If not, I'll just move it to my office and put two clowns and an anemone in there. Simple and low maintenance... it's a small bio-load and I only need to add calcium and buffer every few days for the water, and feed everyone else daily. Either way, I'd like to run coral in it.


Originally Posted by Tizzo
Ok, I see where you stand. As sep said it doesn't lie dormant. It can however come in on a coral or a snail or a piece of LR, and no you cannot do hypo on those...
It's not to common, but it can happen. For me, I'm gonna qt all new arrivals for a month. That way if they are in the tomont stage, where they are reproducing on the surface of things, they will have time to swim out into the water colume and die looking for a host...At “reef-type” temperatures the tomonts take from 3 to 28 days to excyst (hatch).
Here is where the confusion lies...
There is evidence that they can be in this stage for up to 72 days, and while this is very rare, the contributing factor is temperature. They can only be in that stage, for that long, in "very" cold temperatures.
I keep two Qt's running for this very reason. I QT everything. A piece of rock, a few snails, whatever. They only need to be in there for three weeks. That is the worse case scenario, assuming they just hit the surface the moment you bought it. Without a host the live parasites are dead in a day.
Originally Posted by ntracy

That's one of the reasons I'm QT-ing at 85 degrees hehe
The temp at 85 will not do anything. The elevated temp does more harm to the live stock than it does to speed up the life of ich. You will either take our advise r learn your own way that we are telling you the truth. There are NO shortcuts in this hobby. Do you want to do things right or try the quick way? I think you want to do them right.


ntracy, I have been reading your thread over the last few days. I am also a newb. Well, today I was looking at my coral beauty and firefish goby and I started seeing white spots. GREAT!!! I get to join the club.
. If you don't mind I would like to ask a couple of questions on you thread instead of starting a whole new thread.
I have 2 perc clowns and the other two listed above in a 24 aquapod. Should I put all 4 fish in the qt tank even though the two clowns are showing any signs? I am expecting yes but I just want to make sure. Oh, and my qt tank is a 10.


Originally Posted by airandsea
ntracy, I have been reading your thread over the last few days. I am also a newb. Well, today I was looking at my coral beauty and firefish goby and I started seeing white spots. GREAT!!! I get to join the club.
. If you don't mind I would like to ask a couple of questions on you thread instead of starting a whole new thread.
I have 2 perc clowns and the other two listed above in a 24 aquapod. Should I put all 4 fish in the qt tank even though the two clowns are showing any signs? I am expecting yes but I just want to make sure. Oh, and my qt tank is a 10.
All fish that have been exposed need to be treated. Start a thread in Disease and Treatment. We will be more than happy to walk you through this.


Originally Posted by sepulatian
I keep two Qt's running for this very reason. I QT everything. A piece of rock, a few snails, whatever. They only need to be in there for three weeks. That is the worse case scenario, assuming they just hit the surface the moment you bought it. Without a host the live parasites are dead in a day.
I have 2 QT's although 1 is simply a tupperware bin. I had to QT one that was in QT

But my obligation will be to purchase nothing while my QT is in use.
If I have a fish in there, I will not buy corals or snails til the parameters are identicle to my main tank.
Course, I have found a place that sells snails and LR from a completely fishless tank, so that helps.
Originally Posted by sepulatian

All fish that have been exposed need to be treated. Start a thread in Disease and Treatment. We will be more than happy to walk you through this.
And the tank they were in, empty for 6 weeks to kill whats in there.


OMG you all will appreciate this... as I mentioned, I'm raising the salinity on my QT. And I have this genius idea to use DT water, as I use the water, I replace with new, and my DT gets a nice big water change in the process...
As soon as I held the syphon with the drip switch over my QT, I was just about to open the flow, when it hit me! OMG I'm putting this parasite right back into my QT.
Luckily reality hit me before I did it, but I wonder how many people do that without even thinking what they are doing.


Originally Posted by sepulatian
The temp at 85 will not do anything. The elevated temp does more harm to the live stock than it does to speed up the life of ich. You will either take our advise r learn your own way that we are telling you the truth. There are NO shortcuts in this hobby. Do you want to do things right or try the quick way? I think you want to do them right.
Why are you so upset with me about this? I feel like I'm being scolded and I do not appreciate it. I'm a newbie and learning things all the time, so please grant me some grace here.
The reason the temp is so high is because beth recommended it in her blog disease blog. I remember reading somewhere that the temp should be higher because it speeds up the ich cycle. If the temps were lower, it would take this ich longer to go through it's cycle.
I am no longer making uninformed decisions. Please understand that.


Originally Posted by Tizzo
OMG you all will appreciate this... as I mentioned, I'm raising the salinity on my QT. And I have this genius idea to use DT water, as I use the water, I replace with new, and my DT gets a nice big water change in the process...
As soon as I held the syphon with the drip switch over my QT, I was just about to open the flow, when it hit me! OMG I'm putting this parasite right back into my QT.
Luckily reality hit me before I did it, but I wonder how many people do that without even thinking what they are doing.

If it has been over six weeks then you can use DT water. I don't LOL. I just do water changes with the SG slightly higher each time.


Originally Posted by ntracy
Why are you so upset with me about this? I feel like I'm being scolded and I do not appreciate it. I'm a newbie and learning things all the time, so please grant me some grace here.
The reason the temp is so high is because beth recommended it in her blog disease blog. I remember reading somewhere that the temp should be higher because it speeds up the ich cycle. If the temps were lower, it would take this ich longer to go through it's cycle.
I am no longer making uninformed decisions. Please understand that.
I am not upset with you at all, not even close. I am telling you like it is. I am sorry if I came off as though I were scolding you. I know you are new. Please post a quote fom Beth's FAQ that says to raise the temp to 85 degrees.


Instigating here...
Your right ntracy, she is coming off harsh.

My tanks only been fishless for 4 weeks, lol.
Oh ntracy, this is femalage at it's best. No..."but what about this" or "don't you think you should try"... It's just the point blank, laid out info we have in our heads.
No harm or offense is intended. Don't read these things as stern, read them matter of factly.


Originally Posted by Tizzo
Instigating here...
Your right ntracy, she is coming off harsh.

My tanks only been fishless for 4 weeks, lol.
Oh ntracy, this is femalage at it's best. No..."but what about this" or "don't you think you should try"... It's just the point blank, laid out info we have in our heads.
No harm or offense is intended. Don't read these things as stern, read them matter of factly.
LOL This femaleage knows D&T.


Originally Posted by Tizzo
Instigating here...
Your right ntracy, she is coming off harsh.

My tanks only been fishless for 4 weeks, lol.
Oh ntracy, this is femalage at it's best. No..."but what about this" or "don't you think you should try"... It's just the point blank, laid out info we have in our heads.
No harm or offense is intended. Don't read these things as stern, read them matter of factly.
Hey! Don't instigate!

Well this hobby is filled with soooo many opinions, all of them differing... some more, some less; and a lot of them are made by seasoned hobbyists. It's really a miracle there isn't more fighting on this forum with all of the people who have all the facts (no offense to anyone).


That you do.
(disease and treatment is her thing ntracy, lol)
My tanks are 83. Always have been. 85 might be a bit redundant though.


Originally Posted by sepulatian
I am not upset with you at all, not even close. I am telling you like it is. I am sorry if I came off as though I were scolding you. I know you are new. Please post a quote fom Beth's FAQ that says to raise the temp to 85 degrees.
I couldn't find it in Beth's thread, but I know I read it somewhere... It's at 85 degrees but I know I read somewhere that it should be a little higher, 84 being the temp the person used in their QT experience. Sorry for misquoting you, Beth.


Originally Posted by ntracy
I couldn't find it in Beth's thread, but I know I read it somewhere... It's at 85 degrees but I know I read somewhere that it should be a little higher, 84 being the temp the person used in their QT experience. Sorry for misquoting you, Beth.
by "higher" I mean higher than normal (77-82)


Originally Posted by ntracy
Hey! Don't instigate!

Well this hobby is filled with soooo many opinions, all of them differing... some more, some less; and a lot of them are made by seasoned hobbyists. It's really a miracle there isn't more fighting on this forum with all of the people who have all the facts (no offense to anyone).

Well, everybody here has come to accept that I'm right. If your right and I agree with you, then your right. But if you say something I disagree with, the bottom line will always be the same. Tizzo is the one who's right.
What I don't know, I don't know, and I'll leave those topics alone, but the ones I'm involved in...I'm the "standard"
Actually ntracy, you are getting all this for 2 reasons. One you are researching, and 2 we see your really trying. Most hobbiests, who I think will not end up being responsible hobbiests, well Sep answers them...over and over and over... then after a bit, we just let the thread fall into oblivion.
We are trying to give you, in one week, what took us years to learn.


Originally Posted by Tizzo
That you do.
(disease and treatment is her thing ntracy, lol)
My tanks are 83. Always have been. 85 might be a bit redundant though.
Right many keep their tanks at 84. Natural reefs can reach 89 in the caribbean, where many corals and such are from.
Originally Posted by ntracy

I couldn't find it in Beth's thread, but I know I read it somewhere... It's at 85 degrees but I know I read somewhere that it should be a little higher, 84 being the temp the person used in their QT experience. Sorry for misquoting you, Beth.
That is because that information is for fresh water tanks. You thought I was being harsh so I let you look. I will say it again. Hyposalinity and copper kill ich, nothing else has been able to prove that so far. Believe me, if there was a nice and easy method then I would tell everyone to use it. There is not.


Originally Posted by sepulatian
That is because that information is for fresh water tanks. You thought I was being harsh so I let you look. I will say it again. Hyposalinity and copper kill ich, nothing else has been able to prove that so far. Believe me, if there was a nice and easy method then I would tell everyone to use it. There is not.
When it comes to hypo and copper, when have I ever not believed you?