an excellent book for beginners


i've only read half of robert m. fenner's book "the conscientious marine aquarist", but i must say, this is the best aquarist's guide i've read yet. actually it reads more like a book than a guide. highly recommended.
I love that book. Mine is falling apart at the seams. I like to page through it at night when I am relaxing in bed.:)


I just finished reading the book, and I must say that I learned alot. I would recomend anyone to read the book, no matter how adavanced you are, good luck and happy reading, ricky.


Yes, I agree as well. An excellent book. It was last revised in 2001 and does talk about some of the more modern topics.
This book in combination with this board will get a beginner on his way to success. This book also has a large portion describing fish and corals that are suitable for captive reefs.