An idea....


Active Member
i was thinking a bit and thought, what if on my RO.DI unit, i conected the drain to the water in tube so not as much water is waisted? The red line is were the new tube would be



Active Member
So you want to use the drain water as well?
Its waste water for a reason.
(sorry didnt open the file, thats not good internet safety)
Im just going off what it sounded like you were saying.


Active Member
I don't have an RO/DI unit yet, still buying from my LFS. I am researching so I will be prepared when the time comes.
How much waste water do you get per gl of good? I have far too many inside and outside house plants for that to be a problem for me, waste water will go to them, I'm just curious...


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefaholic33
I think my 75gpd unit wastes 5 gallons of water for every good gallon of water.
I would have never thought that. No wonder the OP wants to recapture some...jeez...


Active Member
Originally Posted by King_Neptune
Alot. I never actually measured, but a 10:1 ratio would be a conservative statement.
Thats 10:1 waste:good??
I take back the comment about having enough house plants to water with the waste....guess I could store it for that purpose though, this heat makes them thirsty.