An Inconvenient Truth


Active Member
Has anyone seen this?
What are your thoughts?
I am neither a Republican nor a Democrat, but political affiliation aside, I was more or less a skeptic of global warming prior to seeing this documentary through Netflix. It answered all of the objections I had previously held.


Active Member
I think the movie's awesome. I'm kindof a freak, I saw the movie and then I forgot all the facts when I was trying to explain it to other people so I bought the book and read it, it's practically the same thing on paper. And then Gore came to Seattle at the end of last year so I went to see him. He said bascially the same thing but with a few updates since the movie.
I love it because everyone can understand it, it explains all the basic misconceptions, it shows that it's not a political but a moral issue, and it is optimistic.
I would recomend it to anybody.
Next week on my campus, I go to University of Washington, on wednesday they will be playing it all day (5 times in total!). I probably won't see it again, 3 times is enough, but I recomend it to everyone.
It's funny because whenever people criticize the movie and you ask them if they've seen it, they say no. What a weird concept to criticize something you haven't even thoroughly checked out.


Active Member
bonebreak, you should search for my post from a while ago entitled "What are YOUR thoughts". It's about global warming and people's opinions on it. It's a interesting (and depressing) discussion.
We could start it up again, I guess. I let it go for a while, but I think it's good to talk about.