an interesting fish


i'm planning out my new 125 setup & I pretty much have in mind what fish i want. i chose them for color but i'd like to leave 1 spot open for an interesting fish. what's a neat or different-looking fish that can be housed in a 125 g fish-only tank (semi-aggressive). I love lionfish but the 1 I tried was a disaster because i couldn't get him weaned off of live food & on something with proper nutrition; so i don't want anything that requires live food. thanks!


i saw a picture of one & fell in love with it. I had decided to get one until I read that they sometimes bite the other fish' fins. Does anyone know if that's a big prob with them?


Depending what else you are putting in try a square back anthias. They eat live food, but are not very aggressive. I feed mine feeder (ghost) shrimp. Another fish i would like is a Blue throat trigger. Practically the most non-aggressive trigger and has awesome color, but nothing compared to the clown.


I have an osc. clownfish now that's transferring over. Then, 2 I have in mind that I wouldn't mind giving up for a neat fish are a fridmani pseudo & a carberryi anthias. I definately want a blue tang. And I'm trying to decide on a good angel.


i will buy your cranberry anthias if your getting rid of it! got any pics? if you will sell how much??


i don't have the anthias. it's just 1 i've picked to get when i get the 125 ready. the clown's the only 1 i already have. he's in my 55 & i'm moving him to the new one. i'm just trying to come up with a neat fish to mix in with the others. i love the idea of the porcupine puffer but i'm worried about the others getting nipped by him. i checked out the blue throat trigger someone suggested & that's definately an option.


well, i'm just starting out, so i'm not exactly sure what type of fish i'll be buying for my 29g. But I think that yellow tangs are cute fish, they're only aggresive in small tanks or with other tangs. the powder blue tang is an interesting fish. The yellow longnose butterflyfish is cute too, and the magenta dottyback (aka purple or strawberry dottyback) it has pink and purple mixed in, i don't think they sell those here though. last, the bartlett's anthias and the hawiian longfin anthias ~*sorry for all the fish suggestions*~ so let me know which fish you'll be buying thanks a bunch love ya