an opinion on lionfish...?


New Member
I have currently set up a new tank, 54g Corner, and occupied it with fish and inverts from my 75g. Now i am re-settin up my 75g as an agressive tank. I currently have about 70lbs LR, 3" substrate, medium size yellow tang, 2 2" domino damsels, some blue-leg hermits and some turbo snails. I really like the Lionfish yet am not entirely sure how to care for them and which one's are the best. I have looked into the dwarf lions b/c i would like at least 2 if thats possible. I have done lots of research on them yet i would like some experienced caretakers opinions on maintenance and feeding. I would also like to add a blue "hippo" tang as well, how would they do all together in the 75g?
Thanks for the help!

eric the red

New Member
In my opinion, you should be fine with your selection. My dwarf fuzzy lion is about the easyiest thing I have had to take care of and two should be no problem as long as you watch your water parameter carefully, as your tangs will be more sensitive, than your damsels or lionfish. The damsels may become lunch for the lion if they are small enough to fit in his mouth, and domino's can become troublesome finn nippers as they become older. You did not say what type of substrate you have, I recommend CC for aggressive tanks just for the simple fact that it can be vacuumed but it is not a necessity. Also I would recommend some live Caulerpa algae for two reasons: the tangs with graze on it, and it will absorb, and process any extra dissoved organic compounds that is common with aggerssive feeders. You can e-mail me if you have any other questions.


lions are one of the easiest species to care for period. dwarf or otherwise, they are not swimmers per say and prefer to just find some rock and park themselves. think of them as the motorcycle cops of the salt world. waiting for a speeder to tag. they are not real aggressive so they may get picked at and niped on by other fish such as dominoes


New Member
Thanks for the reply. I have always liked lionfish and know they aren't much of swimmers but they are still so neat. I am not sure if i am going to keep my dominos knowing that they do get aggressive. They have been good so far, got them when they were really small but as they have gotten bigger (about 3") they are starting to show their "true colors". I do have CC substrate and have been able to vaccuum it in the past...knowing that lions are messy eaters. What is recommended to feed my lionfish when i get them, i know not freshwater feeders.
Thanks again!

eric the red

New Member
More than likely live feeder may be the only thing it may eat in the begining. However lions can be easily switched to frozen foods. Krill is my lions favorite, but they can be feed just about any meaty food( clam,shrimp, squid...etc).


Wait till they are eating Krill at the lfs. Why do more work than you have to? There will always be more lion's so let someone else deal with it.
Never ever feed live once they are eating Krill. This WILL spoil them and they will likely not want anything else later on.
With a 75 you can keep 2 lions easily. Even Volitan's. Yes I know they will eventually get too big, but that will take a few years.
If you can find a Radiata that actually eats prepared foods like Krill I would get him first, but they are norotiously finicky and I would only keep one in a tank where he was the only Krill eater so he can take his time eating.