An RO System Works....????


I am new to the salt hobby. And new to the world of RO water. I posted several days ago looking for opinions on the various RO systems available and received some wonderful advice. The one thing I fail to understand, is HOW do they work. The mechanics I have a bit of a grasp on it, but say I was to hook up a portable unit to a water source from my house. Do I run the water from the faucet it is hooked up to fully open? How much of that water is filtered and usable and how much is waste water? The water bills in this area of Florida are in the triple digits, I am not sure it is a wise act to buy an RO, or just buy large containers and buy the RO/DI from my lfs (at .59 cents a gal.) and save money? Any info is, again, greatly appreciated.
Thank you.