anamone sucked up


New Member
help i need to know if it is better to go with an undergravel filter or leave it out ? i just lost a blue carpet anemone due to it being sucked into the grates. help


Active Member
I would definitely say without the UGF, however, let me ask...why is it there in the first place? Are you using crushed coral as a substrate? Sand? If sand, the UGF will just suck sand through it and clog it up anyway.
IMO, I would use a DSB.
What kind of filtration (outside of the UGF) do you have on the tank?


I am not a big fan of a UG filter. How did it get sucked through the grates? do you have cc or ls on top of them and how much do you have?


New Member
i have both crushed coral and live san approx 150 lbs live rock and the bed is approx 1-2 inches thick. i have a fluval 404 a sump and a protien skimmer. the reason the ug was put in is i had a problem with red algea and to told i needed it.


New Member
ok and why do i have an envelope on here with a dot on it? not a fish question but i am new to these chat boards.


The red algea is actually bacteria , mainly caused by overfeeding .
You dont need a UG they trap the stuff you wont want in your tank under it and if its diterbed will realese toxins into your tank. Id do away with it and would not take advice from that person again.
Go with about a 4-6 inch sand bed , make sure you have no dead spot( you want water circulation flowing around your whole tank) and try not to overfeed. You can pick the bactiera out of your tank and lightly brush it of your rocks, but try to catch it before it flows all around in your tank .