ananome...what species


soory i have no picture,but i recently purchased and anenome of some sort ( i know research first ),it has very vivid purple tenicles with a lime green center. it seems to be living in a tube and is really cool. the first question is what type is it and he second question would be, would a peppermint shrimp eat it? i want to buy a peppermint shrimp to eat my aiptasia.:D :confused:


Active Member
Sounds like a tube anemone. They will burrow somewhere. Hope you have enough light for him. No your peppermint shrimp will not eat him.


nicky... yes it looks to be that one, but the colors on mine are much more vivid. maybe the picture just did not load right. thanks
bdhough... are they common ???? i've never seen them anywhere!


Do they really need that much light? I thought they lived in deeper waters. I have a purple and green one but have yet to come up with a positive ID on him yet. Pachycerianthus or cerianthus membranaceus? Im leaning more towards pachycerianthus since I think people have some decent sucess with them. (dont start the great anemone debate :p ) I belive that mine did take out a cleaner shrimp and a pepermint shrimp during week one. He didnt nab any fish yet.


Active Member
I've had a Pachycerianthus fimbriatus(?) (which is actually not a true anemone, but actually a worm) for almost 2 years now. When I first received it, it was the size of a 50 cent peice. Now the tentacles can reach over 6" in length. In my opinion, they're quite hardy. Mine survived two temperature spikes and an ammonia spike. They do contain zooxanthellae, meaning that they will need some amount of lighting. Most Power compact or VHO lighting should do fine. They will get the majority of their nutrients through feedings. If you feed your fish regulary, you shouldn't have to worry about feeding the tube anemone directly. They will catch the food that you feed your fish. If you wish, you could spray some brine around the worm to provide it with some extra food.
PS. Heres mine:


Active Member
grahm, to the contrary i have read that these guys are NON-photosynthetic,a dn that they gett all of their energy of food that they capture! interesting
be carful as these guys ahave extremely strong nemotocysts one customer who had a huge pink one in their 140 watched as the tube anemone killed a large blue-gold rabbitfish, who swam too close to its tentacles!!
good luck


Active Member
2boyz they come in a variety of colors and are common enough. From what i've seen people either pick one up or it slowly dies from lack of food and/or light in a LFS....