And 2 years later.

elvis a.

"He returned and showed his old tribe of his success and love for the reef hobby"
-The above statement will only be understood by few.. ;)
Here are shots of my 29 gallon just a month ago.. Since then I have taken no new shots and my G5 just broke (yeah.. I know.. I got REALLY furious when it broke)..

Changes have been done to the tank.. My long tentacled anemone, home to my mating and breeding clowns, grows at a tremendous pace! I had to re-aquascape for which I hope will be the last time, to fit the anemone and for it to have room to grow (which was accomplished). I will not be posting the new tank for atleast another 6 months, until my final masterpiece that I hope will show off the beauty of such a small tank, and what can be acheived with the minimal equipment I use...
The equipment I use on my tank is in my opinion, very little... I run a regular Prizm skimmer with overflow.. I run a small penguin with a carbon basket...
My lighting consists of 1 250w XM 10k bulb. I run an actinic 55w PC along with it..
My params are as follows:
Nitrate- 0
Temp: 76.4-78.0 (flunctuates when halides run)
Ca-410 ppm
These are readings as of a moment ago...
A look inside the canopy (pretty ghetto, which I built! )

Here's a shot of the tank a little back..

elvis a.

Here's a shot a little further back:

My two prized 29 citizens:

Mating and breeding, I've very proud of my success with them. :)
Here they are performing what seemed at the time, some sort of ritual...

Here's the tank even further back.

I hope by the end of my Senior year, my tank will be fully developed, meaning I would have no more room for anything..Right now, I'm in the process of frag development.. After my re-aquascaping, the tank looks less filled.. I also lost my colt coral (which was my center piece) after being gone on vacation for a week. ( my friend took care of the tank, the colt was sick however I noticed before the flight).. I have placed several frags of my corals around the tank and introduced a number of species and will continue to do so...
So that's my 29 gallon that I never thought I'd acheive and must say I am proud of.. I hope to prove (in time) that small tanks have a beautiful art of their own, and that the best equipment doesn't compare to the time, dedication and love you give to the tank. :)
Thanks for taking a look, please comment!


Active Member
That's a SUPER tank ELVISA!!! :D :D :D
Seriously, that's a beautiful tank that you've put together over the past few years and you should be very proud of it.


Active Member
You have come a long way in this hobby. Very nice tank you've got these days.

nm reef

Active Member
If it ain't our old friend lebowski!!!!!

Your system sure looks healthy and well maintained...congradulations and many wishs for continued success......:yes:

elvis a.

Hehe. Thanks guys!
I am very proud of my work and am ashamed to even think of my past in this hobby..
Well, atleast it went in a good direction, rather for the worse.

elvis a.

Where is sammystingray? I'm waiting for him to see my tank, I think he's the most important one on my list...:)
EDIT: Wait a second.. I don't see him as a mod, and I searched him up and don't see much about him..
What happened to him? Where is everyone dissapearing to?! Where's the good old family?

elvis a.

Time to revive my thread..
So looks like my tank is growing into the new aquascaping! I'm starting to like this aquascaping more than my last one.. It makes the tank look more roomy, and it's overall something more creative and new.. I got sort of sick of " the wall" .. Too many people have that kind of structure... I'm not sure if my last rockwork would fit into that category but it sure wouldn't work out in the long run..
I currently have 5 fish.. 2 Chromis, 2 Perculas and a Pajama Cardinal-which I see as rarely as you come across a diamond on the sidewalk...
I'm looking for something to add character and color to the tank.. I'm not looking to get any sort of blenny.. I've had nothing but bad luck with them.. I just got rid of my bicolor, which after a couple months began to nip at my crocea mantles..
I'm not concerned with bioload.. My tank is very well established, and I have no problem with any nusiance algaes..
Is there any kind of anthias I could keep in such a small aquarium? Any help would be appreciated..