And in the beginning........


the Pseudocorynactis in my tank are nowhere near fish eaters the biggest one is maybe a inch and ive had them a long time i would not worry about them unless you see them getting real big

scopus tang

Active Member
Originally Posted by spanko
thanx Randy. Just seems like you take care of a problem (Caulerpa infestation) and another pops up (Pseudocorynactis).
I have a small boat living here on the great lakes. A 21 foot Thompson Carrera cuddy cabin. I always say a boat is a big hole in the lake where you pour your money.
Well reefing is like that, a big hole in a glass box where you pour your money. But I do love this hobby, all of the things that pop up without warning, most of which are just kind of magical and wondrous.
The Psudocorynactis are a beautiful thing. If you have not seen on here is a picture, not from my tank yet. They close up in the light. I will have to feed the coral tomorrow and they will come out in the light to feed and I will endeavor to get a picture. but here is what they look like. Small right now like a pencil eraser size. This may turn out to be one of the things that I just let go to see what nature has in store for the tank for a while. Been thinking about it all day and may just not interfere on this just yet. What do you think?

I think I would agree with morval on this one, watch them, but if they aren't big enough to each anything, chances are they may never get that big and may never cause you any issues. Given that you have six, seems to me they have to have been their for awhile, which maybe a good sign that they aren't going to get big
. I honestly don't know anything about these things personally, so I'm kind of out of my comfort zone giving any advice on this one.


Active Member
Thanx all.
Well I have been reading about Radium 150w 20k bulbs recently. Not as blue as other 20k's with higher PAR, so I got one to try out. Here are some comparison pictures. The pics are taken on full automatic setting on my camera with no photoshop or other enhancement. I really like it. Not as dark blue as the Phoenix 14k I was running and much brighter.
14k #1

14k #2

20k #1


scopus tang

Active Member
Hey Henry, new bulb definitely lightens the blue, really notice it on the back wall. Is its color true to life, or is it altering? Coralline in the second two pictures looks blue rather than purple?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Scopus Tang
Hey Henry, new bulb definitely lightens the blue, really notice it on the back wall. Is its color true to life, or is it altering? Coralline in the second two pictures looks blue rather than purple?
I think the 20k is altering the color somewhat in the pics. Good eye on the blue in the coralline on the back wall Randy. The color on the green monti on the front right are also more true to life with the 14k. However the 14k has burned in, the 20k is brand spankin new so I will get some new pics up in somewhere around the 24th or so after the 20k has had 100+ hours on it to see if a burn in has really made a difference.


Active Member
So here are some new pics as of 24 June 08. Mostly top down with a new 20k Radium HQI bulb.
Green Slimer

Green Monti

Hispada Monti

Orange Monti

Orange Polyped Digitata

Porites worm rock

Purple Digitata


Thank you for looking.

scopus tang

Active Member
Originally Posted by spanko
So here are some new pics as of 24 June 08. Mostly top down with a new 20k Radium HQI bulb.
Orange Monti


Thank you for looking.
Henry, tank is looking awesome
. Love the orange Monti in particular ~ its got great color.