I got my rock! I organized and re-organized it on my floor and when I found a stable base with lots of flat spots for coral I decided to let it be (it's dead btw, wouldn't play with LR on my floor). One of these rocks is HUGE and very heavy, hard to maneuvre so it's staying put.
Do you think there's too much rock? I want a handful of fish and inverts along with a few small pieces of coral and I'd hate to think I didn't leave them enough room to swim. I can still clean behind the rocks but it's toward the back of the tank, leaving room in front for fish and friends.
How's the positioning? I tried for stability with lots of caves.
Ugh, my tank hasn't had clear water in 4 days since I put the sand in. I'm hoping that now that the rock is in and I'm just starting to cycle that it'll all clear down. Oh, more water is DI'ing so the top few inches will be full in a few hours.
BTW this rock is Argonite so it will be LR eventually, yay!