And they say you cant have 2 angels in the same tank!


All i can say for that person is good luck... Forget to feed that tank one day and he is going to have alot of tattered fins :-D
I tried a flame angel and a coral beauty together and my coral beauty made him his cell mate and beat the sin out of him


Active Member
Bare bottom tank, tons of flow and probably a killer skimmer. The water quality is "probably" very good, but there is no accounting for the stress of overcrowding. A lot of Asian tanks are stocked like this. One of those "because it can be done doesn't mean it should be done" situations, IMO.


Active Member
Uneducated and idiotic fishkeeping ...
I'm sorry but a tank full of angels is only a disaster waiting to happen.


Active Member
When you have that many fish in that small of a tank it makes it very hard to build a "pecking order" All of those fish are in a constant state of hyper stress. Not the way to keep your pets. I am sure that not one of those fish has grown since it has been put in that tank. There is no room to grow into. All of those fish are probably developmentally behind, both physically and physiologically. The worst part about this is that it is common practice in several foreign countries to have that many fish in such a small tank... The hobby is not the same there as it is here...


Originally Posted by texanangel
I agree, that's not the way to treat pets. But then, not everyone can see fish as pets, they're just food.
Good point, I have a pet rat.


Active Member
It doesnt look like its been set up for long. They probably will be replacing dead fish on at least a near daily basis. I dont think that there is even any concern about wheather or not the fish are healthy, probably just see it as a "maintenance" cost for replacing the fish. It looks like fish H#$L in there. If you whatch it closely there is a constant state of aggression, which means cronic stress. When you say, "who says you cant put 2 together" you speak as if this is going to work or is working. It is not working. You just arent seeing the death.


Active Member
Did u guys see his other video... he's filming what looks like a sweetlips continuously attacking a butterfly....ANGRY FACE!