And they say you cant have 2 angels in the same tank!


New Member
You know it's amazing the negative comments about that system. The fish all look good to me.
If anyone in here ever had the chance to see Ron Hunsicker's 700 gallon display tank, located in Pennsylvania on display at his store, you would have saw tons of fish all living together with no death and all very healthy.
To comment negatively on a video like that, without knowing the specs of the tank is crazy.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Punctato
You know it's amazing the negative comments about that system. The fish all look good to me.
If anyone in here ever had the chance to see Ron Hunsicker's 700 gallon display tank, located in Pennsylvania on display at his store, you would have saw tons of fish all living together with no death and all very healthy.
To comment negatively on a video like that, without knowing the specs of the tank is crazy.
1st of all that tank is probably not even over 200gallons let alone 700.
200 fish in a 700 is still to many IMO, but its possible.
and 100 some fish in something less than a 200gallon is insane.
Fish need space and room for Territory to live happy and healthy.


Active Member
You know it's amazing the negative comments about that system. The fish all look good to me.
How can you say they look good when you cannot even focus on any one fish. Let alone the poor qaulity of the video.
If anyone in here ever had the chance to see Ron Hunsicker's 700 gallon display tank, located in Pennsylvania on display at his store, you would have saw tons of fish all living together with no death and all very healthy.
Havent seen that and I doubt very seriously the magnatude of the fish stocking, per tank size was near this one. 700 gallons would successfully maintain about 70 fish, which looks like alot. But not like the tank in the video looks.
BTW there is NOONE who can state that they have never had any fish death.
To comment negatively on a video like that, without knowing the specs of the tank is crazy.
To comment anything but negativly on that setup reflects lack of knowledge of the fish that are stocked in it. You dont have to know anything about the equipment involved, knowing the fish that are stocked in it is enough.


Active Member
that tank looks like its probably no bigger than a 75...i agree with the pellet gun statement. That man should be shot!


just wanted to let everyone know that is not my tank and that i agree with the negative comments and i have to admit, not taking the fish into consideration the video was freaking hilarious to me when i first saw it cause i know it was not right to stock thaty many fish in a tank that small i dont care if there sw or fw
i wish i knew whos tank that was!!!


Originally Posted by wattsupdoc
How can you say they look good when you cannot even focus on any one fish. Let alone the poor qaulity of the video.
Havent seen that and I doubt very seriously the magnatude of the fish stocking, per tank size was near this one. 700 gallons would successfully maintain about 70 fish, which looks like alot. But not like the tank in the video looks.
BTW there is NOONE who can state that they have never had any fish death.
To comment anything but negativly on that setup reflects lack of knowledge of the fish that are stocked in it. You dont have to know anything about the equipment involved, knowing the fish that are stocked in it is enough.
Agreed 100%


Active Member
Actually, if you pick a fish out and follow it they literally bump into each other. :mad: Not because they are aggressive, but they have no room. :scared: Where is the A. S. P. C. A.??? :mad: :mad:


Cann't you see it now you know that tank is sitting in the middle of some cheap chineese takeout restraunt... With Ming Ching waiting for the fish to die to make them into dinner...
Listen to them talking in the background that is what they are discussing which one will taste better


That tank is comprised of a lot more than angels. I doubt very much if that is a home tank. It does not need to be said what the end result of a home tank like that would be. We don't need a stream of "the worst things to do with fish" videos to be posted. A tank with that stock would not last more than a few months. I certainly hope that no one would try it.


no thats at least a 200 gallon tank!!
if you look at the vid katie posted its a long high and wide tank
but hey they look to be ok and not fighting like everyone says, but i do agree it is a bit crowded!!!!


Originally Posted by trillyen
no thats at least a 200 gallon tank!!
if you look at the vid katie posted its a long high and wide tank
but hey they look to be ok and not fighting like everyone says, but i do agree it is a bit crowded!!!!
That is a 20 second clip. And they are not acting normal at all. They are acting like someone is holding food (or swishing it along the top). Fish don't act like that unless they have a stimulus. Bottom line, a home tank like that would not last more than a few months.