anemone ate a firefish?



I had three purple firefish in my 55 with a LTA and one of them has vanished. My LTA set up shop right right on top of my firefishes cave and I was was wondering if the anemone would eat one of them. The LTa is about the size of a baseball. Water parameters tested fine and the other fish are all about the firefishes size. Do ya'll think the anemone had an expensive snack or it just died and my hermits took care of it. Any ideas.

mandarin w

Could be possible, A guy in our club lost his foxface to his anemone. And this fox face was pretty big, at least 6inches. He caught it when it was too late. The anemone had the fish 3/4 of the way down. Just the tail was sticking out. So it is possible. With that said, I can't tell you the number of times people thought they lost a fish. My son in law thought he lost one of his wrasse, He didn't see it for over a year. Then when he broke down his tank there it was. But if it did die, the cleaning crew would have it cleaned up pretty quick.


Active Member
I just bought 2 firefish and my lfs said they are prime bate for a lot of things. His exact words were "they look like food". Anyway, I still bought them, decided to take my chance, but my bet would be it could be a lot of things in your tank. Or as someone above said, he could still be in there somewhere hiding (hope so!)