Anemone behavior


My big anemone with the gold striped clownfish moved himself during the night and attached himself to a piece of rock, but he is hanging upside this normal? it looks cool, but of course he moved himself into the back so you cant really see him well, should I move him or leave him be?


Active Member
In general it is fine.. leave it be. What type of anenome is it? They like to feel safe and LR provides alot of cover for them. They will postition themselves in a place like that and when the lights are on move to where they can get the light. Their foot will stretch waayyyy out and when they are finished basking in the light they will retract to where it came from. As long as its general appearance looks good and its color stays you should be fine.


It is a Bubble is a picture of when I first brought it home, it pretty much looks the same only upside down...


I don't understand what you mean by bleached? Its main body is a rose color its arms are green, the little one has a pink body and its arms are green also. Is there something I can do for it?


Active Member
The green you are seeing isnt as dark as it should be. The pink or carmel colored foot is the zooxanthellea that should be running through your entire anenome. Its base still looks to have some but the tenticles to me look bleached. Let me see if I can find some examples of what yours should look like.


Active Member
This is a normal Green BTA...and the second is a bleached Green Bta.. IMO your somewhere in between the 2. Feed it small portions of silversides, shrimp, or clams.. frequently every other day or so.. no bigger portions than the animals mouth. Soak them in Selcon or Super Selco for added nutrients to help your animal get its color back. Also what lights do you have? If Rod Buehle is on he would be able to give you more insight.. hes def more experienced than me with anenomes.. and would be able tell you for sure if your animal is bleached.



Thank you thank you for your input..they have been eating shrimp, a little bit everyday because the clown steals it from the puffer, the small pieces that float down that is.