see mine has never closed up this long either. My lighting is good, it's been under the same light and has grown in the past year. But ever since I added this new shrimp it's almost like the shrimp hinds underneath the anemone. Ever since I added the shrimp the anemone acts like it is pissed off and closed up. It was closing when the shrimp was next to it and then expanding when he was gone. But now it just won't open back up even when the shrimp isn't there.
Tonight with my turkey baster I shot some phytoplankton directly at it and it popped a few tenticles out then went back in.
If it was pissed off at the shrimp wouldn't it just move?
Plus I tested all of my water and came up with perfect results so I'm pretty sure this shrimp pissed it off. I'm coming up with 0's on amonia, nitrate, nitrite, phosphate, and i'm getting 8.4 on the ph. Water temp is 76.8 degrees.