Anemone Color & ID Question


When I bought this anemone it was really white. Now it seems to be turning an uneven brownish color? Is that good or bad? Also, can someone please tell me if it is a Haitian or a Condi? Thanks.


Active Member
thomas is better at anenome ID than I am but the change in color is a def good thing anenomes are not suposed to be white sooooo far your doing it some good


Active Member
Sounds like it is back on the mend. Good work. Keep a close eye on it.
Thomas is the true expert here though, so perhaps he has more insight on this.


How long has the anemone been in your tank?
What is your lighting?
What if anything have you been feeding it?
How much did you pay for it?
Can you get my a head on shot of it?
What color is the column?
Hard to tell from that angle and distance, but my first thought is condylactis aka Haitian. Both are the same thing.


hey thomas. i just got a free hation pink tip [from here] i know nothing about these so i need some of your expertize. what does it eat? will it live under 260 pc lighting for a little while? [untill i get the funds to upgrade][ hopfuly soon] how long does it take before my clowns notice it exist? oh so many questions so little time. well you can post here or e-mail me. i am sure i will be looking for you again with more questions. thanks


Originally Posted by KEEFFIE
hey thomas. i just got a free hation pink tip [from here] i know nothing about these so i need some of your expertize. what does it eat? will it live under 260 pc lighting for a little while? [untill i get the funds to upgrade][ hopfuly soon] how long does it take before my clowns notice it exist? oh so many questions so little time. well you can post here or e-mail me. i am sure i will be looking for you again with more questions. thanks
Meaty foods, including clown fish sometimes.
260 watts of PC on what size tank?


Active Member
IMO, that is a Condi and is one of the few that should be white. It looks like its getting very transluant and thats not good. Needs to be fed.


Swf Said It Is A Pink Tip Hation. As For Transluant It Has Only Been In There For 2 Days, But I Did Manage To Feed It Some Krill Lastnight So We Will See How She Looks Today. She Was A Freebie So I Have No Clue About Anything To Do With Her.


Active Member
Originally Posted by kyle p
Clowns won't take to that type of amemone.
Try a tomato clown, I betcha it'll work.


Active Member
Originally Posted by KEEFFIE
Swf Said It Is A Pink Tip Hation. As For Transluant It Has Only Been In There For 2 Days, But I Did Manage To Feed It Some Krill Lastnight So We Will See How She Looks Today. She Was A Freebie So I Have No Clue About Anything To Do With Her.
KEEFFIE, I dont know if this is a responce to my post but I was responding to sunny's post. As far as I can tell from your pics, your pink tip looks OK.

kelly shaw

got a friend with a hation and 2 false percs. one perc loves the hation. brings it food all the time. its not common for them to host but they possible can.


Here is a head shot of my anenome. I can't take a picture of the base because it has wedged itself inbetween two rocks. But, it is pink.
I have a 500W FloureX light and 3 coralife fluorescent bulbs, two Blue and 1 50/50.
I spot feed it pieces of shrimp twice a week.
I think I spent between $10 and $20 for it.


If I'm not mistaken I see the classic purple tips, and he looks like a typical condy to me. He also looks better in the last pic, more healthy and even looking. All in all a good speciman.