Anemone Comitting Suicide??? HELP!!!

clown boy

Active Member
My new GBTA (LINK) has been doing ok, but now it is hanging upside down under a rock in the shade. It's not moving. Doesn't it need light and flow?

Lemme get a picture...


Yes, it needs light. But anenome moves around because it is unhappy with the current conditions: light, flow and water quality. You may try to move it (be very carefull with its base) after you check the water quality.


He (it, lol) may be moving into the "shade" to avoid the water flow. Can you redirect the flow and see if he comes out into the light? I had a similar thing happen in my tank, once I changed the direction the water was going by moving a PH, he settled in fine and I was able to adjust the water flow to one it and I could agree on!

clown boy

Active Member
I don't know... the flow system is set up so the two pumps on the opposite sides of the tank complement each other...


Active Member
There is a delicate balance between light and flow that anenomes look for. However they will sacrifice one for the other if the one is exceptional. For example if the flow is too much and it found a spot under your LR to get just the right amount of flow then it very well may sacrifice light for comfort. BTA's need flow but indirect flow NOT direct from a PH blowing on it. And as stated becarful of its foot if you decide to move it.


I just remember one thing .. the temp in your tank .. my BTA was like yours before, hiding .. so check temp and see if you can keep it at 78 .. good luck.


New Member
I just saw on another thread that when it spreads out that thin, with little arms to grab food, that it's slowly starving itself to death. You should try spot feeding. I'll see if I can find that thread.

reef diver

Active Member
DO NOT MOVE IT! That is my first thing to say, second, move your powerheads slightly, so the anemone may be able to find a better spot, and also, anemones do this alot, my rose hid under a rock for 3 days, before it decided to move, only move it if it continues to kill itself.