As of late I have seen so many threads about wanting to keep anemones in a nano cube and little light. I am personally outraged at such questions and lack of care and respect. So with that said, what is everyones opinion on tank sizes and lighting. I personally feel a minimum of thirty gallons water quantity. By that I mean say you have a twenty tank, but a ten fuge or sump whatever, as long as it equals thirty you should be able to do it. Will it be harder, of course. As far as lighting, I would say as much as you can afford of course. If you have less than five watts per gallon, then I would not recommend an anemone. Really the main factor of course is experience. So what if someone has an anemone in a nano, the odds are that if they have long term success that they are very experienced. I am hoping by this thread maybe it will help people in their decision, so all opinions are welcome.