Anemone coral killer?


I came home from work tonight to find my star polyps upside down at the bottom of the tank and my Pink Tip Anemone near the rock where they were. Is it possible that the Anemone tried to or did eat them? Will they live?


Now I have a new problem. The star polyps keep getting blown over. The current in my tank is not very strong. Any suggestions?


Active Member
i just got a colony of them as well. i had to get a rock that is sorta cupped and put it in there to keep them upright. you can wedge them in between other rocks as well.


Active Member
Originally Posted by CoralDude
Now I have a new problem. The star polyps keep getting blown over. The current in my tank is not very strong. Any suggestions?

how are they getting blown over if there is not enough current?


Our Atlantic Anemone relocated from its rock and constantly nestled next to my xenia--it did this three times and we moved things around but it always went for the it knew it was there and would wrap its tentacles around it. :notsure: We took the Anemone back to the LFS for credit b/c it was too hostile...they said that was not the problem but every time it went for the xenia. :thinking:


Active Member
Originally Posted by Sea Slug
if the gsp's were moved then it wasn't the anemone
anemones can't move stuff they can only kill it

I had a haitian anemone that started wandering around and knock things over. That's one of the problems with them...they like to wander.


Active Member
GSPs need to be krazy glue Gelled or rubber banded to a rock. the puple mat cant really just be dropped in place, because it is very light and hermits and snails are trying to get underneath it to graze, and in doing so, inadvertantly flip it up and off.