Anemone dead or alive? Please Help!!!


Active Member
is there a way to tell if my anemone has died? it's a bubble tip and i haven't had it that long, but it seems lifeless all of a sudden. please help if you can.:confused:


Active Member
the anemone is the same color as when i received it.... the anemone just doesn't seem to want to attach itself anymore. it still has great colore, pink and green and brown.


if he spills his guts inside out then he could be a goner. But it could be him getting use to the new enivornment. give it some time. it took mine a week to find a spot and stretch out.


Active Member
the thing that makes me wonder is... it was attached to the glass for the past few days, and now it's falling off. it could be nothing, i'm just trying to find out if it's ok.


if he's not attach to a rock somewhere, move him closer to the light on top of a rock. give him a few days to find his spot. if he doesn't look pale, then i think he should be fine. Just monitor him during that time period.
good luck. i'm currently monitoring one of my clown as he has gotten sick. I learn recently to get selcon and soak food in it for added vitiams for the fish. I'm doing the same for my RBTA


Active Member
i put him by the base of my live rock... light itsn't an issue i have a 2 actinic bulbs and 2 10K bulbs. but like you said, maybe he's just getting comfy in the tank. i'll cross my fingers, thanks for you help.