First there are a few unknowns for me to believe 100% that the people who have their anemones under these lights are indeed successful in keeping them.
These are very blanket statements, to give better insight into how or if the anemones are under the correct conditions, more information is needed.
First what kind of anemones are we talking about. Yours appears to be a haitian anemone, AKA condylactus. This is an Atlantic species of anemone, and is one of the most hardy species to have. However they need very intense lighting to proper water perameters and a stable environment to survive. For your scenario there is little you can do at this time to help it. Anemones have the ability to roam where they want, so while I would suggest placing the animal very close to the top of your tank, if it is sick or stressing then it will not attach to anything and end up tumbling around your tank. And all that can stress it even more. The lighting you have is not ideal for most anemones and assuming your tank is 18" or more in height there is IMO no anemone that should be in there. However there has been success with your type of lighting and a bubble tip anemone. The catch is, the lighting you have will not be intense enough to penetrate the water enough for the animal to get what it needs from it past 10" or so. You have basically limited it to the upper portions of your tank. Anemones are not very smart, and there is no guarantee that it will stay up there, if it moves lower in your tank it will be in trouble. I dont know what type of anemones the other people you mention have, but their tank height plays a critical role in the light type and intensity. Also success with these animals cannot be in days, weeks, or months, but rather years. I have had my Bubble tip in my tank for a year and a half. And I will not consider it a success story until it reaches the 2 yr mark.
Im not sure what tank you have the anemone in, the 225 or the 54, and I further do not know what the height of each tank is. But if the height is 10" or less the light you have is sufficient (not likely the case) if its 24" or less then my suggestion would be HO-t5's and anything over that metal halide, (prob the spot light looking lights you were referring too) HTH Good luck.