Anemone died??


Ok, so I have 3 Anemones and am hoping to get them the proper lighting real soon, but today they each took turns looking dead...they shrink real small and then all of a sudden puff back to normal nitrates read the second color on the it 0.5 or 5.0..could this be the problem?


lfs said they would be fine with the coralife 50/50.....lfs lied i believe and saw a sucker......each one took a turn dieing,,,i also have one of those black cucumbers


Active Member
Your profile says a 220g...IMO, you should not attempt hosting anemones without MHs....some will argue, but as you said yourself......Do you feed them ?
A black cuke ??? maybe a Holothuria sp. no special lighting requirments and generally not very toxic ( different story if is a Stichopus sp. ) but some do get large and need lots of healthy sand or detris to feed from, some are filter feeders....not sure if you were wanting info for it but you got some...hehe


Active Member
The deflating is them um....taking a poo. They need to recirculate fresh water into themselves periodically. They can look REALLY terrible when they do this and then an hour later look great. I would agree with above though and say get the proper lighting ASAP.


3 different fish stores gave us 3 different answers for the lighting...but we will be getting the lighting. So what kind of lighting is best?


Active Member
I would say Metal Halide for sure. The amount of wattage you have depends on size of the tank though. 3watts per gallon is a good amount (correct me if I am wrong anyone though!)


Active Member
Depending on tank size specifically depth. Arguably all anemones need very high lighting, VHO, T-5's or MH. There are arguments to the contrary on some species. IMO there isnt enough proof out there that shows less is better or as good. And in most cases these animals do better with higher lighting. But thats just MO. Watts per gal is not an accurate way to determine if your anemone has sufficient lighting. A hypothetical example would be, in a tank 24" high 100 watts of PC lighting would not be enough to keep an anemone happy. Although 100 watts of T-5 lighting most likely would, t-5's have more lumens per watt output making them more intense. Squashing the theory of watts per gal. Unfortunatly there is no way other than a lumens meter or a PAR meter to determine how much more intense they are. But intensity of the bulbs is key not watts.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Dogstar
.....Do you feed them ?
What else do you want to keep in this tank ?


Originally Posted by Dogstar
What else do you want to keep in this tank ?
Just the fish and my anemones, I am not interested in corals and I think my Puffer would think he was in a gourmet restaurant.