In my experience (which is very limited) ive seen the opposite.. My hatian pinktip (condi) eats silversides/squid/krill like a pig but its never grabbed ahold of any of my fish. Maybe its just that I keep it well fed. :notsure:
I bought it about 2 months ago.. When first put in, my 2 3dot damsels started hosting it. Recently I bought a pair of tomato clows and the LTA they were hosting at an lfs. Immediately (like same day) both clowns moved over to the condi. At night both 3dots and the male tomato sleep in the pinktip, and the female always goes and snuggles in the LTA (but only at night).
Anemones do some weird things tho.. I think it really depends on the specific organism, not so much by what species it is.
My pinktip is turning out to be more of a community anemone, which may be rarity. But who knows what will happen as time goes by..