Anemone eggs??


there is stuff coming out of an Anemone cloudy stuff with little pinhead dots is this eggs??? or something else?? most of my other Anemones have just split any ideas?


Active Member

Originally posted by Sato
Anemones dont lay eggs.
My guess is hes expelling whatever he last ate. They only have 1 hole for entrance and exit .

Actually they do spawn, and anemones can be sexed. There are several people working Heteractis Malu and spawning. Basicaly it goes by moon cycle. The fact that many just split in your tank would lead me to believe that spawning is not the case in your tank. Anemones don't usually split out of hapiness, it's usually out of trouble ie outgrown their spot, irrittion, rapid changes in salinity or water temps, or flow etc...For them to spawn in your tank conditions have to be very good. Well that and you have to have a moonlight on a cycle. When ever my BTA's would split I usuallt noticed a bunch of goo coming from them immediately following the split. It was always from the spot of the tear. I am guessing it was just them getting rid of damaged tissue as to speed up the repair process. It could be the same thing with yours.

bang guy

Yep, sounds like eggs to me.
Be careful! Anemone eggs have enough nutrition to cause a huge ammonia spike. If the eggs get caught in a filter clean it out pronto. Keep a water change handy and some AmQuel. Monitor Ammonia for a few days.

salty chee

Bang guy, just for future reference, to make the tank safer for the fish, could i remove the eggs and put them in a temporary tank? Or will it hurt the eggs. Thanks!


Active Member
Nothing will come of the eggs. Do you have pictures by chance. What type of anemones are these, what what else is in the tank, and what kind of anemones did you have split?

bang guy


Originally posted by salty chee
Or will it hurt the eggs. Thanks!

The eggs are not alive unless you have a male Anemone that spawned at the same time.
It will help the tank to filter out the eggs and remove them. It's the equivalent to overfeeding.


this was my brothers anemone he said it was a Florida Condi Anemone I believe the one that split he said is a hawaiian bubble tip out lfs said when they split it's a good thing & water conditions must be good for it to do that. He's had his tank for 6 years hasnt had any major crashes and leaves it alone for the most part and he says it does just fine he has problems every once in a while, but over all has a pretty good set up. Oh sorry no pic's.


Active Member
If it was a condi I could see it spawning randomly they are a bit more hardy than most aquarium anemones. What you here about anemones splitting is usually wrong. That is not their preferred method of reproduction. Don't get me wrong I'm sure your brothers tank is in good shape, but you don't need pristine conditions to get an anemone to split. The easiest way to make an anemone split is to stress it.

salty chee


Originally posted by Bang Guy
The eggs are not alive unless you have a male Anemone that spawned at the same time.
It will help the tank to filter out the eggs and remove them. It's the equivalent to overfeeding.

Thanks bang!