Originally posted by Sato
Anemones dont lay eggs.
My guess is hes expelling whatever he last ate. They only have 1 hole for entrance and exit .
Actually they do spawn, and anemones can be sexed. There are several people working Heteractis Malu and spawning. Basicaly it goes by moon cycle. The fact that many just split in your tank would lead me to believe that spawning is not the case in your tank. Anemones don't usually split out of hapiness, it's usually out of trouble ie outgrown their spot, irrittion, rapid changes in salinity or water temps, or flow etc...For them to spawn in your tank conditions have to be very good. Well that and you have to have a moonlight on a cycle. When ever my BTA's would split I usuallt noticed a bunch of goo coming from them immediately following the split. It was always from the spot of the tear. I am guessing it was just them getting rid of damaged tissue as to speed up the repair process. It could be the same thing with yours.