Anemone Feeding Question


How long does it generally take the anemone to finish eating?
I had some left over scallops (baby ones, probably size of a dime) so I thawed one out, cut it in half and feed to the anemone. It grabbed on to it quickly and sucked it to it's mouth but now it's still sitting there with the scallop hanging halfway out of it's mouth and it's probably been 45 mins.
I was going to try and remove it but it's still go ahold of it. I don't want it in there to long and mess up my tank.


Active Member
From my experience, it can take from 10m to an hour, Ive also had them reject food because it was to big so i took it out cut it in half and problem solved.
What kind of anemone is it, (my experience is based on BTAs)


Active Member
How often do you feed them, I feed mine about once a week, I have never seen it spit something back out. Make sure it is not too large for it.


This was the first time feeding it something "whole"... before I always just used a syringe and just sort of squarted it to it. I feed them about once a week.
So I guess this was a "practice" run... The pink tip had no issue but the BTA needs something smaller.