Anemone for Me??



Alright well you've all convinced me to wait for now. I don't want to accidently kill an anemone because my lights are good enough. Thanks for all of your help everyone. I REALLY WISH I HAD BETTER LIGHTS


Active Member
If you would like something to host clowns, you could try a variety of different corals like hairy mushrooms, xenia, frogspawns, etc.
My two clowns swim between one of my RBTAs and a large colony of purple mushrooms.


Originally Posted by Zanski
Sea Star i have a BTA in my small tank and i only have 2 32w pc 50/50's and he is lovin life!

are you kidding me? how long have you had your anemone? Thats just bunch of......poop. maybe im wrong but i sure am not gonna try that. Thats why I got metal halides on my tank instead of the 2 32'watts that it came with it.


Active Member
Originally Posted by ViPeR_930
Zanski, the tentacles are very pale and looks mildly bleached, a sign of poor lighting.
Also, if you want a coral that fish could use as a fake host. Hammer, frogspawn corals will work under that lighting if placed more than half way up the water collumn.


I only have 96 watt pc on mine and my segae has been thriving for almost a year now...It is huge i bought him he was only 2" to 3" andnow he is 8"to 10" much larger than i want for my 55 gallon tank. They wil move where they are most happy for lighting anyway. I would go ahead and get a nice sebae and enjoy the elegance of how pretty they really are.


I was reading about sebaes but it sounded kind of hard to tell how well they are doing. I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to tell if I was doing the right thing or not.


Yeah he is bleached because that how he was when i got him. Friend of mine had a tank and wasnt taking very good care of anything. So i saved the anemone it was closed up most of the time in his tank. Extreamly bleached!! It actually looks alot better now, always stays open. OHHH did i mention the guy i got it from NEVER fed it... Had him 7 months and didnt know he had to feed it.


Active Member
it shouldnt take over 8 months to color up.
i got a realy small one form the lfs. It was relay bleeched, but i had halides and thought i could do a better job and save it. i also probably have better water quality and the anenome was about half as much as they are at the other LFSs near my house. well. it has been about 6 months. and turns out, this once completly pale, glowing white anenome is actualy a green BTA with rose tips. He has been colored up for a few months.


Active Member
and also, with proper lighting, feedsing arent necessary. They will get most minerals and elements like nitrogen naturaly from the water, but almost all of their food is created through photosynthesis.


yeah but he had s*itty lighting and didnt feed it I have s*itty lighting too but wasnt expecting a BTA lol but im trying. im getting a 75 gal. w/ MH lighting in 10 days. Watch out people, wait till I post pics of it! Wish me luck!!


Originally Posted by Zanski
yeah but he had s*itty lighting and didnt feed it I have s*itty lighting too but wasnt expecting a BTA lol but im trying. im getting a 75 gal. w/ MH lighting in 10 days. Watch out people, wait till I post pics of it! Wish me luck!!

zanki you are doing the right thing with the metal halides. Thats like going on vacation to a nice sunny place for your anemone! Good luck


Well, here is my success story in progress. After getting a BTA a few months ago from this site, it was sort of a brownish tan color. Over the next few weeks, all the color disappeared (I'm assuming the zooxanthellae was dead/dying when i got it). After a few bad spots in the tank, and a week or so of being totally white, the color started to come back. Now it is clearly a green BTA and the color is still coming back!
I know it takes a year to count as "success", but this just shows that its not impossible to keep BTA's with pc lighting.


Why on my old 55 with stock lighting my BTA split after 3 months middle depth of tank? had the 55 for 3 more months upgraded to a 150gal in feb 06 with stock lights plus 2x65w 10k ,2xactinic just this month both of them plit again now we have 4.
Why are mine doing sooooooo welllll with no MH?


Hello all-heres my btas-no mhl-these all started with a very small bta-I feed silvrsides-mysis-they split and grew.....started with 1 now have 4 big ones.....



Originally Posted by Zanski
VIPER had him for about 8 months.
Start spot feeding mysis and small pieces of silversides...