anemone has split



I noticed today that my healthy normal anemone was doing something strange. He was what seemed like pulling himself apart. When I took a closer look, I saw two anemones with a string of tissue attaching both of them. When I got home from work tonight, I discovered two anemones! Iunderstand that splitting is due to great conditions or stress. I am hoping it was great conditions. My water has no nitrates and all the tanks inhabitants are doing quite well. I posted a few pictures of this unusual event (well unusual for me)



Thats pretty awesome!
I have a GBTA also and it has been really stringy recently, and I'm not sure if its doing the same thing, or if it is PO'ed that I took the clowns that were hosting it out of the tank.
How long would you say the process took?!


I am not sure if this is relavent but the top part of it with the tentacles has looked like two anemones for about a month now. But the actual splitting probably took about twelve hours. A few days ago it had also shrunk right up to nothing, I was sure it was on it's way out but since it's foot was still firmly attached I decided just to keep an eye on it. It recovered nicely and now I get to have two anemones in my tank. Apparantly this one was split from a parent anemone of a friend of mine. His has split half a dozen times now and is still going strong!


Active Member
I took one from a friend of mine about a year ago. At the time it was about the size of a baseball. It has since split 4 times (now have 5 in the tank) and the smallest one is about the size of a grapefruit, largest about the size of a soccer ball. Anyone want one...


Originally Posted by T316
I took one from a friend of mine about a year ago. At the time it was about the size of a baseball. It has since split 4 times (now have 5 in the tank) and the smallest one is about the size of a grapefruit, largest about the size of a soccer ball. Anyone want one...

r u giving them away?