Anemone help!!!!!!!1


I recently bought a LTA and it was doing fine the first day. i set it on a rock and it seemed happy where it was. but then the next day i awoke and found it facedown in the sand. it died shortly after. i have a 190 W lights. my tank is 75 gallons. what would be the problem?!


ok im reading the box to my light and it says, 96 watt true actinic 03 blue compact fluorescent light, then one 96 watt 10000 wattdaylight.

bang guy

Appropriate lighting would be a pair of 250 watt HQI Metal halides for that Anemone.
You really need to regularly test your water parameters or you're just going to continue to kill sea animals.


im new to having all these lights and stuff, ive had a fish only tank for about 5 years. what exactly is that you told me to get?


Active Member
metal halides are lights ...
besides a mature tank and pristine water conditions, you'll need them to support anemones.


is two 96 watt lights not good enough? and i also have two 3/4 watt Lunar Blue-Moon Glow LED lamps


Active Member
There are tons of threads in the new hobbiest section and the lighting section to get you started. Also, if you google reef lighting you will get loads of information. Sorting through it all and making sense of it is another story, but its a starting place.


mind me asking, what is LPS? and i have been looking on the internet for metal halide lights, and i came across some clip on lights with about 150w. would those be worth buying??


Active Member
IMO Its best for you right now to familiarize yourself with reef set ups their needs and requirements. There are specific needs for specific inverts that must be present in your tank in order for them to be healthy. Depending on what animals you choose you will need to set up your tank accordingly. As of right now it is MO that you are not ready to house any of these light demanding inverts due to your lack of knowledge. I would start by researching lighting, types, differences etc... then look into the animals/corals that utilize these lights and their specific needs. Ask questions along the way but to start from the beginning in a post like this would take a very long time here is a link to help you out and get you started. HTH
The first 3 sticky's will get you started.

bang guy

Originally Posted by scott79
mind me asking, what is LPS? and i have been looking on the internet for metal halide lights, and i came across some clip on lights with about 150w. would those be worth buying??

I was a bit hostile earlier, I appologize. Don't feel like you're alone because many many new hobbiests jump in with an Anemone. It just frustrating because very few of these Anemone survive the first year.
My suggestion, if you want to be successful, is to stop and not buy or add anything for a while. Look through pictures of reef aquariums from hobbiests on this site. Try to get a feel for what you would like your aquarium to look like. Find someone who has been successfully maintaining an aquarium that is similar to what you want and bug them about it. Most of the better hobbiests here are very eager to share their experience.
Keep in mind that stores are in business. Many of them can be very helpful but their job is to deliver animals and supplies to us, their job is not to teach us how to keep these animals thriving in an aquarium.