anemone help!!


New Member
My long tentacle anemone got sucked into my powerhead intake. I tried to nudge it out with my fish net now it has the intake cap in its body. Engulfed inside it. What should I do? Please help!


if there was damage done to it sorry it will probably die. I lost one because of a power head. you may be lucky and it will live, but not in my experance. i guess it will be a wait and see. sorry again


New Member
One piece of his tentacle fell off. Now he is on the ground with the intake cap inside. Is there anything I can do to get the cap out or should I just wait?


Mine got sucked by my power head, just a few tentacles were damaged I kept it in my tank away from the power head hoping it will recover but it didn't. It disappeared completely but my water parameters didn't change. <img src="graemlins//confused.gif" border="0" alt="[confused]" />


New Member
SHould I leave the cap in there? If he is goin to die anyways should I go ahead and take him out before he pollutes my tank? Help please!


Unfortunately they are very delicateanimals and after the stress and injuries of an event like that I would remove him from the tank and put it in a quarintine tank if you have one. If you want to leave him in there you need watch him very carefully and remove him as soon as it dies. HTH


it will probably die. the hospital tank is a good idea if you have one. if not keep a eye on it and remove later if it dies. it might spit out the intake if it lives.


New Member
thanks everyone for the help. What can I do in the future to prevent this from happening again?


babygirl, cover your intake(s) with a sponge. That should prevent any fish/anemones from getting sucked in. Just make sure you keep it cleaned out so it doesn't trap debris.


New Member
I can see the intake cap inside the Anemone. The tentacles are all stuck inside it. I doubt it can spit it out. Should I get something and try to get it out? Or just leave it in there?


Leave it there by trying to remove it you can only do more damage if the anenome is going to live it will pretty much have to expell it by itself. IMO