Anemone Help!!!


Whoa, got a pink tip haitian anemone yesterday. It looked fine at first, then turned itself inside out and keeps falling off the rocks I put it on. DID IT DIE? :scared:


oh, i also acclimated it like this site told me to, but I floated it for an hour, not just 30 minutes


Active Member
i doubt its dead. Give it time to adjust to its new environment.
If it looks like its melting and has a really bad smell pull it out asap.


I also got a pink tip hatian (sp?), acclimated it as instructed, he has been moving about my tank (90 gal) for the past week. They are trying to find a location that they like, they will find a suitable place and eventually stay. Mine also looks shriveled up at times, but he "inflates" after a while, be patient.


But did it turn itself inside out? The entire orange base is inside the "innards" of the anemone - it's spinning some sort of "cob webs". It's actually quite gross.


Doesn't sound too good... Pics would help... But if it doesn't look better by tomorrow, I would seriously consider removing it, before it polutes your tank and kills everything else... If it does die and melt away before you remove it, do a water change and run activated carbon for a while to remove undesired organics from the water...


Here's some pictures of it... if I'm loading this right... let's see...
this is yesterday after it turned inside out and the tendrils were still okay

this is today after the tendrils deflated and keeps falling off the rocks. I finally got it settled on a lower rock


Do you have a photobucket account??? Thats about the easiest way to post a pic on here... But you need to upload your pictures to a website like photobucket and they use the


Active Member
upload your pics to something like photobucket then post the link here. Much easier plus it resizes the pics for you.
edit: just a tad to late lol


Active Member
it doesn't look like its in the best shape but doesn't look dead. Keep a close eye on it because if it does in fact die yank it out as soon as possible


This tank has been set up for 8 months. Nitrates were around 40 yesterday, but all else is in range. Lighting is standard lighting (came with tank), two filters, fluval and a regular carbon filter (came with tank).


Originally Posted by yerboy
upload your pics to something like photobucket then post the link here. Much easier plus it resizes the pics for you.
edit: just a tad to late lol
Great minds think alike!!!!!! :)
Yeah, I wouldn't give up on the anenome yet... Its definately still alive... But seriously keep an eye on it for the next day or two... If more of that cob webby like appearance develops, remove it... It may start to fall apart if its dead... In order to minimize what gets into your tank use an old cup to scoop it up... Good luck though... All is not lost, but things are not looking favorable... Resist the urge to poke at it, or move it... Oh, and also reduce your lighting cycle... If you have MH's or other intense lighting that could cause stress as well...


Active Member
Originally Posted by LoraB
This tank has been set up for 8 months. Nitrates were around 40 yesterday, but all else is in range. Lighting is standard lighting (came with tank), two filters, fluval and a regular carbon filter (came with tank).

that lighting is no good, there is no way that anemone is going to survive under a single bulb Reg output flourescent plant aquarium bulb, you need Way more light of the right spectrum, at least Power compaqs, 10k and 420nm. that anemone IS going to die under regular lighting.


Originally Posted by reefkprZ
that lighting is no good, there is no way that anemone is going to survive under a single bulb Reg output flourescent plant aquarium bulb, you need Way more light of the right spectrum, at least Power compaqs, 10k and 420nm. that anemone IS going to die under regular lighting.
Ummm... okay, I'll plan the funeral - it was a free item anyway and wanted to try it. I guess I need to invest more money into my tank - and until I do so, I guess I'll hold off on adding anything else.


Active Member
Nitrates should be less then 10 for corals and inverts. Standard lighting will not support an aneom. You should look into upgrading your lights to support at least 5+ watts per gallon.
I run 457 watts over my 55 and 64 watts over my 12 and everything is doing great.