Anemone help


New Member
I just bought a carpet anemone about a week ago and i think it died how can you tell for sure if it is dead?
Please help


Active Member
If everything in the tank is still alive then its not dead. I beleive the carpet is one that gasses the tank.
What is it doing that makes you think there's a problem.


New Member
not moving much, its mouth is looking a little slimmy and it doesnt look like it is protecting it, i also think it is losing it's stinging cells


Look for the following symtoms.
1. The anemone is not attached to anything
2. open mouth or protruding
3. non sticky factor ( use a pair of tongs and some food if it doesn't stick thats a bad sign).
4. poor coloration
5. odd signs such as should have long tenticals only they are short and listless, not reaching for the sun so to speak. Limp.
6. look for signs of melting.
7. Look to see if other corals for instance frogspawn look normal if not this may be a sign of toxins in the water colum. A carpet anemone that releases its toxins have been known to kill the frogspawn corals.
There are other signs but they just aren't poping into my head at the moment. I should write these things down. :notsure:
Thomas :sleepy:
This reminds me of my first anemone. When i first got it it started to move around. Of course i didnt like this and not knowing better i kept on moving it where I wanted it. After a while it just got pissed and started shrinking. It looked like crap and I thought it was dead. I just left it alone and after a while it got better. I have learned so much about them now and mine is really huge and very happy. Just leave yours alone...youll probably know when yours is dead.


Active Member
Just take it out of your tank and smell it.
You will know if it is dead or not, ;)



Originally posted by dad
Just take it out of your tank and smell it.
You will know if it is dead or not, ;)

THE STINK FACTOR! tee hee:eek: