anemone hosting clown


Active Member
We just bought this condy anemone and the clown about a week and a half ago. I realize that Condy's don't usually host clowns, but apparently the clown doesn't know that. h*



More like a pink tip haitian anemone, tenticals are right, tips are right.


Active Member
If you want a guarnteed(ish) condy fish, go with a tomato clown or a domino damsel.
I agree that your anemone doesnt look like a condy.
What'd you pay for it? Maybe you got a cool anemone for a condys price =c)


Active Member
Paid $8. I really just wanted it because I liked the way it looked. I wasn't expecting it to host the clown. So this worked out pretty well. Also, I got the clown from a store that was closing that week for $25, about $15 less than most places in the area.
On this site, it says the Pink Tip Haitian is a Condy. I assumed there were multiple colorations of condy.


Active Member
Originally Posted by hagfish
On this site, it says the Pink Tip Haitian is a Condy. I assumed there were multiple colorations of condy.
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