Originally Posted by
Rod Buehle
The anemone in question is a Condylactis . Not an M.doreensis. M.doreensis would have clearly visible verrucae. And the color of an anemone is never a way to ID any anemone.
A condy is not a natural host for any clowns and will sometimes make a meal out of you clowns, but there are occasions where clowns will accept this anemone as a host and be perfectly fine. Clowns can sometimes accept very unusual hosts (such as powerheads etc )
Your anemone may have lost a little of its zooxanthallae (bleached) but nothing too severe that it wont recover from with some good feeding and proper lighting
Good luck
I have a pink tip haitain anemone that my maroons host, so its possible and i havent had any problems with the hosting.
>your better off buying a LTA or BTA not sure which gets bigger though.