Anemone ID please


I have these anemones growing on one piece of LR. I see a little green developing around the center.
It is my 1st growth other than corraline algae!
What are they? How do they feed?
What light do they need. I have 260 W compact on a 90 gal. They grow on a rock which is on the side of the reef half way up.
Thank you


Active Member
It almost looks like a large aiptasia hitchhiker. But then again it almost looks like a colony polop. Hard to tell with such a small pic. Are there others growing next to it?
If it's aiptasia and has come from "nowhere", then you might want to kill it. It'll probably sting any corals, fish, inverts that get near it and spawn others. I just found a large one in my tank after a small outbreak was contained by a peppermint shrimp. The large one luckily hadn't found a hole to hide in so I was able to scrap it off with a knife. A lot of people here recommend spraying boiling water at it with a turkey baster, or using a product called Joe's Juice. I imagine those are relatively easy to do since so many suggest using either method. You may also want to watch out for tiny ones popping up.
Note: I'm still fairly new, I'm just passing on what I've learned from recent experience and read here on the forums. Hope it helps!!


I agree, definately a button polyp. In the right conditions should reproduce pretty quickly and before you know it, you will have a nice little colony,