Anemone ID Question & Anemone/Clown Fish Question


New Member
Can anyone please tell me the species of anemone in this picture? I have a start up tank about 2 months old that i am now starting to stock with fish, etc. and purchased this anemone. I also have a breeding pair of Snowflake clowns as the first two fish. Are the Snowflakes and this anemone compatible? The female clown seems curious but have not moved into the anemone yet. I know i'm asking the question after the purchase but......thanks.

bang guy

Looks to me liks a small M. doreensis but to be honest I'm not 100% sure. Fairly hardy and somewhat forgiving but they do need a lot of light and food. They do not naturally host A. percula but there is a chance that it can happen.


New Member
Well that makes sense and doing some research now that is exactly what it it. The shop that i bought it from called it a Long Tentacle Anemone but i thought he was just calling it that short hand. Didn't realize it was a common name for it. That's my duh question for the month. Thanks. Found some great info on it.