Anemone ID


I found a hitchhiker anemone last night and was wondering if is good or bad. It attached itseld to the side glass and has a small stalk and is a bright white. It only seems to have ~6-8 thick tentacles. The hole thing is still REALLY small (less than 1/4" tall).
Any idea on what this is? I can try to get a pic after I get home tonight.


Active Member
That is really tough to identify that small. It doesn't even really look like an anemone from that pic. Any chance at all of zooming in a little?


If it is a condy, then cool...a welcome and free guest. From what I have read the most common hitch-hiker is the Aiptasia. This anemone is considered a pest and is difficult to get rid of (have actually read that people epoxy them completely into a hole in the live rock...geez). The problem is even a severely damaged frag can regenerate into a full anemone. There are alot of discussions on the boards discussing the Aiptasia and how to get rid of it. Fortunately I think most Aiptasia are brown so let's hope yours is a condy.

nm reef

Active Member
Really tough to ID from your pic/description. The only anonome to be concerned about is the aiptasia...check this link for help ID'ing yours. If what you have is aiptasia then you really should take steps to remove/eliminate them ASAP. They can damage corals and can quickly grow to plague numbers. There are numerous ways to get rid of them. The best for me has always been a few peppermint shrimp...they'll munch 'em. Other folks use a paste of kalk and inject them.
NMREEF website


Its hard to say. It looks like it may have a hint of purple, but it so small its hard to tell. Ill try to get a better pic when it opens open a little more. Thanks for all the help. I'll keep an eye on it for now, I dont hqave anything else there as this is a brand new tank.


Nope sorry if I zoom anymore it goes out of focus. It is just really small. About the size of a eraser on the end of a pencil.