Anemone in a 29


Active Member
Ive heard some things about people second guesing putting one in a small tank.
what are your opinions? Ive never had any experience with an anemone.


Active Member
I would stick to a smaller species. I had a Bubble Tip in my old 29gal that did well. One of the potential problems I ran across was the anemone "walking" when it tried to find a space it liked and burned several corals in the process.
Are you familiar with the general requirements for an anemone?

coral keeper

Active Member
Don't get a anemone for your 28 gallon unless its going to be a anemone only tank. The anemone will easily outgrow your 28 gall and will sting and kill everything it touches. As stated above, they "walk" and will sting corals if they touch.


Active Member
alright thanks for the info.
Youve talked me out of it, I have a few other corals and really dont like the sound of them getting burned up.


i had rose tip anemone in a 20 long for 15 months under power compacts and a hang on the back wet dry. it did awsome! it did even better when i put in my 54 corner. you can do it in my opinion but i'm a beginner compared to the others on this site! when i put in the 54 it split int 3 anemone's! unfortunitly they all were eaten by powerheads over the years!