anemone in powerhead.. what to do?


New Member
My bta got caught in a small powerhead for about 30 minutes. There was a small haze around the area where he got stuck. I have removed him from the powerhead and he has moved a little from where I placed him. I tested the water and the ammonia level is still at 0. Any suggestions on what to do?


Active Member
I have seen lots of posts on here about that (I haven't read them though so I can't answer your question). Try doing a search on here.


New Member
if the suggestion is to keep him. what is an estimated time he would be close to full recovery?


rtrtlm... man you got first one got caught in the powerhead while i was at work...and it turned my tank into BTA Soup
...Mmm Mmm Mmm Good
!!! My second one just got caught in the intake of my Emperor 400 Bio-Filter Yesterday...and it came out looking like yours in the pic...I just took him off the intake...gave him a little food, and i about 3-4 hours he looked good as new....i hope all is well now.


New Member
things seem to be OK. He has found a spot in my rocks where he is partially exposed. my clowns have found the bta and started to host some. so looking good. just checked my parameters again and everything is still where it is supposed to be. thanks


Oh.. my condy got stuck in a powerhead too, lucky I was there. I pulled him out and other than a few bent tents he is ok. He craped right after that..I guess it scared the crap out of him! He has stopped wandering and now is staying put. Good luck with him. Oh yea I have read that if it gets damaged, fleshy parts, it may lead to baterial you might want to keep an eye on him.


Active Member
i suggest placing a prefilter sponge on your powerhead to pervent this from happening again. as far as the health of your anenome only time will tell .some do ok after this kind of thing happens.others do not.sounds like your anenome was trying to get into the flow of things(litterally)my sebae loves the water flow from my returns my tank so anenome is at the top of my tank I know its not due to lack of lighting my tank lights are 3 400W mh and 4 110 VHO total of 1,640 watts tank dim 8 ftx24x30