anemone in powerhead


New Member
My bta got caught in a small powerhead for about 30 minutes. There was a small haze around the area where he got stuck. I have removed him from the powerhead and he has moved a little from where I placed him. I tested the water and the ammonia level is still at 0. Any suggestions on what to do? The white in the pic is flesh, not a discharge.


my lta did it and i wrote him off my wife talked me into floating him in a bag for the night he opened up a little so i placed him back in tank almost a year later he has regrown all tentacles and is very happy. just keep checking water and watch for him to start melting. Most likley be ok.


Keep your eyes on it and if it starts looking like it is about to die get it out of the tank and into some type of qt maybe a tote you use to mix your salt up in. Maybe you could get some water made up just in case.


very sad.
but the lil guy couldn't find a spot to put his foot in the 100 and when I canme home from work one day he was 1/2 in the intake of my closed loop. Soon as I opened the canoppy to get him he went in and then came pieces... :mad:
It was like he was watching me... :notsure: Hit twin however is doing Great in the 100 with his maroon clown friend. I believe the 440 vho vs. the 90 PC is benefiting him nicely.

Best advise i can give is watch him closely ove rthe next few days and get a spongy cover for your intakes



New Member
I had covered my powerhead and intake before placing him in the tank. I had a small PH with the intake on the back that I had suctioned to the glass. Never would have thought a bta could have got in it. Just goes to show anything can happen. Thanks for the help and suggestions. From the other threads I have read it seems there is a high success rate of recovery. knock on wood. I will try to post pics as the bta recovers.