anemone lighting


New Member
I am about to purchase a bubble tip anemone, and was wondering what type of lighting I should buy. What do you guys recommend????:help:


I think that most people here would recomend Metal Halide lighting. This is I belive the main source of food for Anemone's (some one please correct me if I am wrong). I keep two Anemone's in my tank, one is a White Sebae Anemone that was bleach white when I got it and is now turning light brown (belive this is a good thing), and the other is a Rose Bubble Tip Anemone wich was rather small when I got it but is doing great.
I am not a good example as I am running Power Compact lights on my tank. I do run 8 watts per gallons though. Both of my Anemones are at the bottom of my tank, and I feed them vitamin enriched Brine Shrimp twice a week.
I am not sure what your tank dimensions are but that is definatly something that should be taken into consideration when purchasing lighting, specifically the depth of the tank. The deeper it is the better the lighting needs to be. If you are running a 24" tall tank then using 250watt MH lights will work great, and I belive the rule of thumb is 1 light will should supply enough for a 2 foot by 2 foot square. Other things that you will want to consider are the power consumption and heat. MH light will produce quite a bit more heat than other lighting solutions (from what I have heard on this board). This is one of the reason I do not run MH (I don't want a chiller), the other is power consumption. My power bill hits around $360.00 in the winter time :scared: . For me this is one of the only things that discourages me from this hobby $$$$. Again this is just from what I have heard from people that have used MH, PC and T5 lighting, but I have heard that MH lights really suck up the power. However their are now electronic MH ballast so I belive this would prob. help alot, I just have not had a chance to talk to anyone that has used them and comparied them against their old ones. I will stop rambeling now, all in all lighting has many aspect to it even more than I beifly touched on so do your home work and remember that Anemones do require lots of light.
Hope this helps you,
:D :D :D


Here is a pretty good thread too. This has lots of good information on Anemones and adding one to your system.:)
OH and I almost forgot :cheer: :cheer: WECOME ABOARD:cheer: :cheer: