Anemone Lymphocystis?


New Member
Hi. I'm fairly new to Saltwater aquariums and I have a question. Can a Sebea Anemone have Lymphocystis? I got the anemone along with a Tomato Clown 3 weeks ago & all was well until yesterday. The anemone started to "shrink" for lack of a better word, and I notice a white growth of some sort that resembles a small piece of cauliflower!
Can anyone assist me? Thanks for the read.


Staff member
Hello, definately no lypmh for an anemone. Shrinking can mean a lot of different things when it come to this animal. I'm going to move your question over to our REEF Forum for input there. In the meantime, post up some info about your tank. Reef, I am assuming, water readings, salinity and type lighting.
Welcome to!


Active Member
Sometimes when anemones are stressed the misenterial filaments that are used to digest food, and also for defense can transfer to the tentacles and even come out of the mouth. Does it look anything like this? Also, it could be "budding" (reproducing). Heteractis type anemones are known budders.


Active Member
I've never heard of any sabae's reproducing in any way in captivity.
Although it is pretty uncommon it can happen in captivity. Here is an article by Albert Thiel about Heteractis species anemones including Heteractis malu (Sebae Anemones). Scan to the end for his comments on reproduction.


New Member
It's definitely not as you have pictured. Looks like a white clump resembling a piece of cauliflower! Man...the anemone has pretty much shrunk down to a tenth of it's original size & is no longer attached to the liverock!
Any thoughts?


In my limited experience with the sebae, it doesnt sound good. We had attempted to keep one a while back with no success. Ours basically did what yours is doing with the exception of the growth. It shrank, started to wander and met with an untimely death at the hands of an intake pipe. If you could give us more info about your tank--lighting, params, etc.--that could help us help you. One question: Where is the "growth" located on the anemone?


New Member
I have a 12 gallon Eclipse with stock lighting & biowheel filter. The PH level is at 8.3, Ammonia 0.25, Nitrates 5.0, Nitrites somewhere between 0-0.25 & SG at 1.021.
Other than the Tomato Clown & the Sebea Anemone...I have about 8 lbs. of live rock that I acclamated by itself for about 6 weeks prior to added the fish & anemone.
Doesn't look good as I think that the anemone has died. :-(


Active Member
I can see a few things wrong with that.
-tank too small
-tank not established long enough
-not adequate lighting
-high ammonia
-high nitrites


New Member
Agreed. I have 2 large fresh water tanks & I wanted to try a salt water. My local aquarium dealer suggested the 12 g Eclipse as a "starter" & actually recommended that I try the clown & anemone.
This has certainly been a valuable & sad lesson learned!
Thanks all.


Dont get discouraged, you can still have a small salt water tank. Remember, as long as we learn, we will make mistakes. I think one of the biggest lessons we all learn is that you cant always trust your LFS to have the answers or best advice. Heck, one of our locals gets rude when I ask questions, the only reason we still shop there is decent prices on equipment.
Anyway, if you can afford to add some more lighting, maybe a small power head and give it some time, you could have a small reef. We actually have a 10g that seems to be doing okay with a biowheel and another small filter (Tetra I think) with about the same amount of LR as you and a small power head, but we also have a very small bioload--1 blue damsel, 1 CBS and various hermits and snails. As far as corals--some button polyps, shrooms and a small patch of GSP. We also keep some red macro algae in to help with nutrient export.
Try looking into the Nano Forum for better advice on small tanks. Keep it up and keep us updated if you can and dont be afraid to ask questions, we all want you to succeed. Good luck!