Anemone or Mushroom


Active Member
A lot of LFS will sell you 1 or 2 polyps on a rock for 10 - 20 dollars. I can't make myself pay $50 for a mushroom rock(at least the ones at my LFS). THey spread quickly anyway--IME. Lighting is much easier to do for shrooms than anenomes.


We don't have a very good lfs for salt water fish. We have a Pets + and they have a small selection of expensive stuff, and a Petsmart that only has fresh water things in their tanks. Would you suggest any on this site or on another site. What kind of lighting would you need for them.


I feel stupid.
I just realized when I was looking at the corals on this site we ordered a green ricordea mushroom the last time we ordered from this site.

What you suggest as far as lighting for it?


I have ordered muchrooms, star coral and brown polyps from this site and they were fine when i got them and i also ordered my cleaning crew and they were in great shape. :jumping:


The Ricordea, or Flower Mushroom Coral, is a member of the order Corallimorpharia (Stephenson, 1937), and has short, club, or berry-shaped tentacles. It shares some similarities to stony corals, and is also termed a Disc Anemone. It is found in a variety of color forms, but green is the most common.
It requires a medium to high light level, but metal halide lighting may be too bright. It prefers a low water movement within the aquarium, and it may not be as hardy as some of the other mushroom corals. It is considered semi-aggressive and requires adequate space between itself and other corals. It reproduces by longitudinal fission.
The symbiotic algae zooxanthellae hosted within it provides the majority of its nutritional requirements from the light driven process of photosynthesis. It also eats plankton and smaller invertebrates such as crustaceans.
Care Level: Moderate
Light: Moderate to High
Water Flow: Low
Placement: Middle
Tank Conditions: 72-78°F; sg 1.023-1.025; pH 8.1-8.4; dKH 8-12
Color Form: Green
Temperament: Semi-aggressive
Ideal Supplements: Iodine, Trace Elements
Origin: Indo-Pacific
Family: Ricordeidae
IMO, high power compact, or VHO should be adequate. I've read that MH is probably too much lighting. They are photosynthetic, but also filter feed.
Hope this helps!


lol, i found that online... just copy an pasted... not that much medicine involved... lmao