Anemone Problem


I recently purchased a rose bulb anemone and it was doing great, but last night it crawled behind a rock and got caught in the rio pump, I turned it off and hope that he will be able to crawl out. He was stuck too much for me to try and remove him...anyone have any suggestions?


friend had that problem. ill call him and ask. when you solve this let me know im worried for myself. the do's and donts. i hate that it happens to people but would like to learn from others, then help others with the new info. ( i guess thats y we are all here)


It has been a couple hours and he has freed himself from the pump and moved to the top of a rock, but is still somewhat closed up. I think he's ok, just need to give it some time


Active Member
Anemones are capable or regenerating serious wounds. He should be ok as long as he wasn't stuck in there over 24 hours. Having perfect water conditions is critical during his recovery.