Anemone problems!!!!Need help!!!!


New Member
This is my first attempt at an anemone. I have a White Sebae Anemone. I heard that once you get this anemone he is white due to stress/malnutrition, and that he'll turn an almost pinkish color once he's nurished. I've had him for 2 days now. My clownfish won't give hime the time of day, but he does fend off my damsel once he goes near it. I am thinking about buying an anemone crab to help speed up the nurishing process. So my question is; How should I feed my anemone. I have brine shrimp that I gave him today. Should I feed him with tweezers or use a turkey baster w/brine shrimp and put this near his hole in the middle of his body or let his tentacles do the work for me.
Please keep in mind that I know alot of this takes time, and yes I've had my tank for about 4-1/2 years now. Thanks you.


Active Member
You want to feed it about two - three times per week with meaty food smaller than it's mouth. Brine shrimp has no nutritional value in this case. Get some frozen mysis, krill or siversides. Make sure whatever you use is thawed first. Use tweezers or baster and try to get the food close to its mouth. do you have enough light to support it?


New Member
Also, he won't attach himself to anything yet. Just the bottom of the tank bed. I have great water flow w/ the Koralia 850gph pump, but it's useless for the anemone right now due to him not being near the flow of the water. But it's obviously beneficial for my whole water quality.


Active Member
I would suggest hgih output t5s or metal halide. He will move to and attach where he wants to be, nothing you can really do about that.
I woul dsuggest you go here and start reading some of th threads on keeping anemones.


I have never owned an anemone crab but wouldn't that work against a hosting. I would think the crab would try to keep the fish away. Anyone have any experiecne with these crabs?