anemone question



Can you tell me what is the best anemone to have for a Nemo?


I think they would be happy with most anemones as it is. Get one of the hardier species of anemones....they are hard enough to take care of anyways.
I think a sebae would be a good one.


well nevermind. The link that I posted on here was going to give you a great table of compatible species.
But for some odd reason, the moderators here think that an FAQ site is a competitor.
Best of luck



Originally posted by ebsOCHIN
Most people will say a seabae anenome or bubble tip.

Seabae is one of the worst, shortest lived in aquaria.
E. Quadricolor or other BTA's are among the hardiest.


Seabae is one of the worst, shortest lived in aquaria.
Good point Thomas, however the question that was asked was what anenomes doe percula clowns like. I know for a fact that they house seabaes as I have had this in the past. Yes seabaes don't thrive well in aquariums like others do, but that still doesn't account for the fact that percs like seabae anenomes. I wouldn't recomend anenomes in the first place but was just trying to answer the question. No hard feelings.

barry cuda

I've personally seen tomato clowns hosting on Atlantic pink tip anemones (at least, I think that's what they were). I don't actually know, but I've heard they tend to be hardier than the Pacific species, most of which are pretty delicate. There will probably be others here who can give you much better info than I can.


Bubble anemones are a pretty good choice for clowns. I would not recommend using any Atlantic species of anemones for clowns. Atlantic anemones are really agressive and you run the risk of hurting or even killing your clownfish. Sometimes they work out and the clown will use it, but most of the time they will try to enter in and realize that they can hurt them and then avoid the anemone in the future. Some clowns will adjust, but I peronally would not go that route.


Active Member
E. quadricolor aka bubble tip are the hardiest and you may be able to find a tank raised one. They have the best chance of survival but, you need a mature, stable tank with 5 or more watts vho or pc lighting.



Originally posted by Wrassecal
E. quadricolor aka bubble tip are the hardiest and you may be able to find a tank raised one. They have the best chance of survival but, you need a mature, stable tank with 5 or more watts vho or pc lighting.

Thank you, Wrassecal. I knew I wasn't going nuts.


All- thanks for the input. just trying to get ideas and do the research before we go do anything.