anemone question


i bought what my lfs said was a condi anemone it was bout 13 bucks its whiteish with purple tips and a long white foot i guess it is-- my question is why hasnt it attached that foot to anything? its been bout a month now my clarkii seems to always move it around? plays under it ontop of it but it just seems to go wherever the clarkii wants it. now i have noticed a brownish tint to the tentacles is this a good thing? i have never noticed it eating at all i have tried using a baster and push some meaty food to it but i dont know if it eats it or not


Active Member
try n check ur water parameters maybe theres sumthin botherin it i kno is that a sticky anemone=healthy n that brown is good thats the zooxanthelae (dunno if spelled correctly)thats wat gets most of ish energy n nutrients from


Unfortunaly you have one of those anemones that move around.... .alot. I gave up even looking at information about these guys because most information on them seems to contradict themselves all the time.
Bad for reefs ---- good for reef tanks
Will not host clowns ---will host some clowns
The list goes on and on with the condy anemone
What I have seen and experienced with the condy is that they do move around the tank, much more so than any anemone that I have seen or kept. Although I have seen them attached to rock (and a few other things) I have also witnessed about half the time that they are just floating with the current many times unattached. This could be caused by acclimation shock, collection shock or perhaps there is damage to the foot of the anemone. This is also an anemone that I would not keep in a crushed coral system as often as they tend to just float around in the tank like a tumble weed.
That brownish tint is normal from what I have seen, many have that browninsh tint as part of their normal coloration.


hey thanks for that info=- ya it hosts my clarkii now but it hasnt moved since i put it in my tank--other than when the clarkii moves it-- i have seen the foot come all the way out then retract all the way in too. the LFS said they like to attach under the sand bed not on the rock - is this tue? i have bout a 3'' sandbed, my water parameters all are fine


Like I said I've seen them on the rocks as well, I've also seen them burry their feed in the sandbed many times near the rock base, for some reason they seem to like that.
Since these guys do like to move you can bet you'll also see them move about the rocks as well until they find a spot they like. However any change can send them moving again, a change in power head, lighting, rock change, water chemsitry.
I would say what your LFS said was mostly true.
Remember that these are an atlantic creatures, this is one reason that they do not host with pacific clownfish, but as you have noticed, sometimes it happens anyway.
What is your lighting?


here is the lighting i am running == 36" 2x96W Coralife LUNAR Aqualight Deluxe Series
1x Actinic 03 and 1x 10,000K, 2x 3/4W Blue LEDs -Square Pin--- I just inherited a zebra mat anemone for free too hope it does well-- thanks for the info


now my clarkii hosts in both anemones i was hopein my perc would take the new one-- is this normal? My new zebra already attached it self to a rock wonder why my condi hasnt after a month


Active Member
condy's are not reef safe, least not in mine. mine moved around a decent amount but stayed on one side of the tank, for the most part. my 2 GSM's hosted it, and it got very big, because they fed it well. unfortunetly, while i was out of town for a week, my girlfriend managed to break two of my pc bulbs, and through the tank it went, looking for better light. it managed to kill 3 of my corals in its wanderings before i got back. got rid of it.


i got mine in december and he hasnt moved yet, he came on a thin, flat piece of rock rubble, he will occasionally turn himself around, but he has never moved off that rock