Anemone question......


How come 1 minute my anemone is beautiful and full looking then the next minute I think its about to croak and then the next minute its nice and full again looking lovely as can be? Strange little creatures I tell ya!
Got it from this site....followed acc process
55 gal
8 65 watt bulbs
nitirites - 0
nitrates - close to 0
ph 8.4
ammonia 0
sal - 1.023 - 024


New Member
I just bought a haitian and a green BTA and was wondering why some tentacles have bubble tips and some don't. This is what I found while researching.
Why does my anemone shrink up during the day?
All anemones shrink down periodically to flush wastes and balance water chemistry.
However if your anemone does this frequently (more than a couple times per week) or
stays shrunk for more than an hour or two at a time, you need to look for other factors
that are stressing the anemone. In most cases the anemone is not happy with the water
conditions (chemically) or it is not receiving proper lighting (too bright or wrong
spectrum). If the anemone shrinks only when the lights come on, this is almost always a
sign of light shock where the anemone either isn’t fully acclimated to the lighting in your
tank, or the lighting is too intense or too yellow. This behavior is often seen with bright
metal halide lighting, especially (for whatever reason) if the bulb is a 10K or lower (white
to yellow) bulb. Try replacing your bulb with a bluer bulb or moving the anemone to a
darker section of the tank. :happyfish


New Member
Also you may want to bump that salinity up a little. Fish only tanks can do fine with 1.023 and a little below but once you start adding inverts you really need to start keeping it at 1.025-1.026 pretty religiously.
-Jerry C.